Thursday, July 12, 2012

a pinterest classroom

 this summer, i've been pinning a lot of things on pinterest for classrooms.  i usually just pin stuff and never really go back to look at it.  last year a few days before school started, i decided to change my theme from stars to polka dots!  it was a much more difficult switch than i imagined but i really enjoyed the new theme!  with my new school adventure this year...and new HUGE classroom to decorate....i decided to up my game and really go all out with the polka dots.  this has kept me really busy this summer!  i feel like all i do is craft!  i've even gotten my friend jenn into crafting!  here are some of my pinterest projects.


i've always kept my monthly classroom stuff in computer paper boxes.  they weren't pretty but they were high on a shelf and i kind of forgot about them.  in my move, i reorganized them and was able to condense them into 4 boxes....but they were still ugly!

i saw on pinterest where a lady had covered some diaper boxes in fabric to make cute decorative boxes.  i figured my boxes were about the same size so i could do it too!  i chose wrapping paper instead of fabric cause it's so expensive!  it took longer than i expected but here's what they looked like in the end.

then i made some lables and attached them with ribbon.

my trusty assistant helped by laying on paper and eating ribbon.


i've always used posters with our buses and kid's names for transportation.  i left them behind because i'm pretty sure there won't be any blue whales or silver sharks busses at penny road.  i found this idea on pinterest as well.  i'm going to put each student's name and bus #/carpool #/bus color (whatever we use) on a clothespin and hook it on!  my friend jenn made her own version of these and they're super cute too!


after i saw my room, i found out my door already has a hook in it.  what's perfect for a hook?  a wreath of course!  i looked for school wreaths and everything was either crayons or school themed.  it took me awhile to get a vision for this wreath but i finally ended up with cupcake holders and letters for my name.  my plan is to have all the kid's names on polka dots with the wreath in the middle and my title being "the polka dot patch". 

there are a few more projects to do at school but i think these will be all my crafts for right now!

catching up

i haven't blogged in awhile!  i thought with not having a job this summer, i'd be bored but i've ended up being really busy!  between crafts for others, crafts for myself, and hanging out with friends, i've got a lot to do!

there haven't been many house updates recently.  i moved my school stuff home...then moved it out to my new classroom again.  i dug up all the rocks from the stupid rock circle in the backyard.  i've also realized we live in natureland because i've seen 2 foxes, a turtle, and a hawk recently!  oh and a huge troop of ants that decided to make their new home on our kitchen counter!

i guess my only mini project has been our computer room.  i bought bookcases for my picture albums and johnathan's mustang magazines.  after everything got organized, i realized i couldn't stand to see all the colorful stuff everytime you walked in the room.  so, i ordered some curtains to match the other room decor, hemmed them, and it turned out like this!

someone else enjoyed the curtains before they were put up...

i also got a filing cabinet for all our stuff and put it beside the desk.  my assistant enjoyed helping to assemble it!