Friday, June 22, 2012

drink umbrella wreath

i have been wanting to make this wreath for awhile!  i finally got around to it!  i had to search for the drink umbrellas which i really thought would be easy to find!  i finally found them at party city.  for this one, i used a foam wreath.  i usually use straw ones.  i wrapped it in yellow ribbon then started sticking the umbrellas in.  the most tricky part was not breaking the toothpicks.  the most annoying part was having to remove 2 tiny little rubber band from each umbrella before i could open it to use!  it took a lot less time than the ribbon umbrellas and i'm really pleased with how cute it is!!

happy summer!


my bff came over for dinner tonight and i cooked (wow!)  i'd been saving a recipe from my friend, jess, called goulash.  basically a chili mac.  there were lots of ingredients but they were simple to find.  it did take a little time to cook the hamburger and onion, cook the chili concoction for an hour, and cook the noodles but in the end it was WELL worth it!  it made a TON so we have leftovers and everyone seemed to enjoy it!  as usual, i ate more than johnathan did.  i guess i'm just going to have to get used to that!

my assistant helped me read the recipe!

he was rewarded with green beans.  :)

final thoughts:  it was the most delicious thing i've eaten in awhile and once we're out i will be making it again!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

taco cornbread casserole

 things have been crazy busy lately and i've been exhausted.  i haven't felt like cooking much and honestly, we've been living off a lot of mac n cheese and lean cuisines.  i felt like i was slacking on my wifely duties (eventhough johnathan will eat whatever i make.) so i decided to try a recipe i had saved on my computer for awhile...taco cornbread casserole.  some taco meat, cornbread, black beans, sour cream, cheese, and onions.  voila!

now, we ate it for 2 nights but it really wasn't my favorite.  there wasn't anything wrong with it except that the onions were a little much.  i think my problem is that i'm very spoiled when it comes to mexican food.  between chico's in greeville and los tres here at home, it's hard to cook at home and be pleased with it!

final thoughts:  leave the mexican food to the pros and take a trip 1 mile down the road to los tres!